Showing 19-24 of 67 Books
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Agroforestry Systems (AFS), or the association of trees with crops (or animals), is a strategy for land management and use that allows production within the sustain- able development: (a) environmentally...
Ricardo O. Russo
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Agroforestry denotes a sustainable land and crop management system that strives to increase yields on a continuing basis, by combining the production of woody forestry crops (including fruit and other...
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Agroforestry activities in Forest Areas with Special Purpose (FASP) have been implemented since 2000 in Parungpanjang, West Java, which was subsequently reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of Environment...
Desmiwati Desmiwati
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The high demand of medicinal plants with limited agricultural land availability can be solved by the utilization of land under forest canopy through applying agroforestry. This study aims to assess...
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Bamboo is proven to provide multi-benefits from the aspects of production, ecology and socio-economic. However, bamboo is still not fully developed. People tend to replace bamboo with wood species which...
Haris Prasetyo
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Penyulaman adalah kegiatan penanaman untuk mengganti tanaman pokok yang rusak atau mati, sehingga jumlah tanaman per ha yang tumbuh sesuai dengan standar yang ditentukan. Penyulaman bertujuan untuk meningkatkan persen jadi...
Nurheni Wijayanto