Environmental Bamboo Foundation E-Library

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Showing 55-60 of 67 Books
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Kerawanan akan adanya krisis sumber daya air terjadi di kawasan pulau-pulau kecil yang tergolong kawasan rentan terkena dampak perubahan iklim. Indonesia memiliki 17.477 pulau kecil (<2000 km2) yang dihuni oleh...
Chitra Widyani Surya Putri
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The hydrological conditions in Timor Island, Indonesia, are characterized by limited surface water potential. The presence of erratic seasonal changes, which is an indicator of climate variability, exacerbates this situation....
E Pujiono
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Wake Wadho is a trans-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaborative model that combines design thinking and rapid ethnography implemented in three traditional villages in Ngada, Middle Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This...
Ni Nyoman Sri Natih Sudhiastiningsih
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The existence of Aesesa Flores (AF) watershed is very important for people in Ngada and Nagekeo Regency of Flores island. The AF watershed provides water, land use, economic and other...
Nicolaus Noywuli
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Pendekatan pengolahan sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat global dan merupakan salah satu kunci dari perbaikan sosial-ekonomi. Tanaman bambu merupakan jenis tanaman yang dapat...
Adisa Putra Jaya
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Bamboo has been part of the social and cultural system for people in Ngada. In such a system, bamboo was inherited from the ancestors and became a communally owned property...
D Ekawati

February 2025
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